Series: From idea to app - Design 3/6

Once you have the wireframes and a tested, validated, and refined prototype you should create the unique identity of your app. This is the job of app designers. They should create the app logo, decide upon the colors, fonts, and the overall look and feel of your app.

To continue the analogy with your new house this is the moment you decide its color and you choose the design of your kitchen, bathroom, living room, your garden and anything else that makes your house your home.

At least in the case of app development having the design before starting the actual development is essential. Depending on the design decisions, the complexity of development can change.
Development cycle - Design
MobileThinking has a network of partners dedicated to the design of app with which we work since long time. We can put you in contact and manage your interaction with them in the context of your app project.

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Our series of articles on the mobile application development lifecycle continues. The Development phase will be developed next week. Leave us your email address to be kept informed as soon as the next articles are available or follow us on LinkedIn