Discover our series of articles describing the Development lifecycle of Mobile and/or Web applications
Development lifecycle - Mobile and Web application
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Series: From idea to app – Introduction
You are an entrepreneur, a CEO, or a top manager and you got an idea for an app, and now what? The dilemma you are having in this moment is absolutely normal: “what are the steps to get my app to the world?”. You are using apps on your iPhone or Android phone or on […]
Series: From idea to app – Analyse 1/6
The goal of this step is to get to know the users of your future app via User research. User research allows you to identify the core and unique features (innovative functionalities) of your concept accordingly to your target users and their needs. The first version of your app should focus on doing one thing […]
Series: From idea to app – User journey, Wireframe, Prototype, and Test 2/6
This step build upon four important concept: defining the user journey, wireframing, prototyping, and testing. The user journey is the scenario, the flow your users follow to achieve their goal by using your app. We like to call it: the golden path. It must be the core functionality of your app and have as little […]
Series: From idea to app – Design 3/6
Once you have the wireframes and a tested, validated, and refined prototype you should create the unique identity of your app. This is the job of app designers. They should create the app logo, decide upon the colors, fonts, and the overall look and feel of your app. To continue the analogy with your new […]
Series: From idea to app – Develop and Test 4/6
After all the preparation, we are finally at the moment in which all the ideas and concepts (user research, wireframing, prototyping, testing and design) concretise in the actual application. In this step the developers define the technology stack, the data model (database and co.), the interactions between server and client, and how to integrate the […]
Series: From idea to app – Deploy and Promote 5/6
The day has finally come! You now have your first app version and you are ready to share it with the world. Depending on the technologies involved in your system, you will need to do several administrative duties to distribute your product to the public. If your app is an iOS app or an Android […]
Series: From idea to app – Maintain and Evolve 6/6
Once your app is in production (a technical term to say that the app is being used by real users in the real world) you can rarely let it be forever. It is like your future house, you can just build it, live in it, and forget about it.. With time things will get old […]
Series: From idea to app – The cost of skipping steps of the development lifecycle
Skipping any step of the development lifecycle does not mean that your application will be not functionally working. At MobileThinking we ensure the best quality independently on your choices before the actual app development. You can simply come and tell us what to do and we will deliver. However, at the end you might have […]
Series: From idea to app – Conclusions
In conclusion, the method to create an application is not necessarily written in stone. As for the construction of a house we can take certain liberties, however if we want our house to stand, electricity to work, water to flow, and more, we have to follow a series of fix steps. In the case of […]
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