Archives of News


Vincent, 12 months internship = 1 permanent contract

12 months ago, Vincent started his alternate internship for the M2 Master in Computer Science and Cooperative Systems. Today, his internship arrives to an end and he is presenting his report to his school professors. We have of course shared with him our remarks and, especially, the great satisfaction that has been working with together. […]
Chloé Chassany

More than positive outcomes for Chloé Chassany’s internship

5 months ago, we contacted Chloé Chassany, who had posted a “Master 1 Design Service & Interactions” internship as a Designer UI / UX on social networks. We directly had a good feeling about Chloé, by chat at first, then during our job interview. Her Behance Portoflio[/ btx_link] seemed totally aligned with our needs, but […]
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland

Design Sprint – Loyco & Piguet Galland

In January 2019, we were contacted by Loyco to help them design one of their future products. This request was perfectly in line with the Design Sprint. Therefore, in partnership with the bank Piguet Galland, Loyco decided to try the Design Sprint experience with us. In this article, for obvious confidentiality reasons, we will not […]

Our app’ Traverse tells Geneva

It’s on… The city launches the project “Raconte-moi Genève” through our application Traverse !!! “Raconte-moi Genève” allows people to scan a QR-code from a mobile phone printed on a sticker stuck on a sidewalk, wall or post and discover the history of the place in front of them. A super use-case for our application. The […]
Autonomous Vehicles Luxembourg Sales-Lentz

Plenary meeting of the AVENUE project

From May 14th to 16th, Carlos, on behalf of MobileThinking, went to Luxembourg to our partner, Sales-Lentz, one of the public transport companies of the project.

Traverse – IOS and Android mobile app update

To summarize, in mid-May, the city of Geneva will have hundreds of posters indicating a QRcode to be scanned as part of the project “Racontes-moi Genève”. We have adapted the application to fully meet the needs of this cultural project.

New week, new workshop – design and animation

As part of the DECLAM network, we hosted Genius Loci, for a workshop on the theme: Valorizing diversity and cross-border identity. The Story-telling workshop was conducted via micro-story creation exercises which, put together, formed a mesh of stories.
Proov MobileThinking Cracovie

Proov accelerates and expands in Krakow, Poland

Our partners, Proov are taking the next step. An important step for the development of the company! After many reflections, discussions, Jovana and Nico decided to take the plunge and create the technological pole of the company in Krakow in Poland. The idea is to create an entire team dedicated to the development of Proov […]

Design Sprint at École Moser

Following a first collaboration, we were commissioned by École Moser to assist them in the design of a new digital tool. It is obviously not possible for us to communicate on the purpose of the tool, however we wish here to present the course of the Design Sprint week that we shared.