Archives of News

Atelier de conception Genève Design thinking

First conception workshop of the year

As we mentioned in our previous news, we have now our new office and are ready to host in-house conception workshops. 2019 started fast with our first workshop the second week of the year.
MobileThinking office

What a year!!!

2018 was rich in emotions. Many exciting new projects, but also the continuation of projects started in 2017. Increasingly closer relationships with our partners and customers, as well as promising new encounters. Here is a brief summary of our year.

2nd H2020 AVENUE Plenary Meeting at Keolis Lyon

On November 7 and 8, Carlos and Kevin attended the second Plenary meeting of the H2020 Avenue project. It has been held in Lyon by the Keolis Group. It was a great mix of social event and very intense working sessions. The primary goal of the meeting for us was to kickstart WorkPackage 4 “Development, Adaptation […]
Workshop @Bestmile

Workshop @bestmile

On August 7, Carlos and Kevin visited the Bestmile offices in Lausanne and participate in the workshop they were organizing to discuss about services related to the Avenue H2020 project. During this workshop the following project partners were present: Amobility, SLA, Keolis, tpg, MobileThinking and of course, Bestmile. Being responsible for the development of the […]

Meeting the experts in autonomous vehicles

This Wednesday, July 4, 2018, three members of our team, Jérôme, Kevin and Carlos went to Lyon, more precisely in the Confluence district to meet the experts of autonomous vehicles, NAVYA.   First of all, who is NAVYA in a few words? NAVYA is a French company specialising in developing innovative, smart and sustainable mobility […]

Proud to be part of this innovative project!

D-Day has finally arrived! Today, Monday July 2, 2018, the first autonomous minibus, with passengers on board, is being tested on the tpg network! But what is it really about? It’s about autonomous vehicles, without drivers, which will circulate from suburban areas currently not or little served by public transport. Vehicles of different sizes, offering […]
vincent peillex

MobileThinking’s family is getting bigger

We are super excited to welcome Vincent within the team. He will be doing a 3 month internship during his master thesis. We hope he will enjoy these months and continue with us afterwards.