Design Sprint with Loyco & Piguet Galland

In January 2019, we were contacted by Loyco to help them design one of their future products. This request was perfectly in line with the Design Sprint. Therefore, in partnership with the bank Piguet Galland, Loyco decided to try the Design Sprint experience with us.

In this news, for obvious confidentiality reasons, we will not be able to describe the results of each day or the Sprint as a whole. However, I recommend you to follow Loyco or ourselves on social networks to find out more in the coming weeks.

The team

A Design Sprint requires blocking resources for a full week, so it was decided to plan it for the summer, a less busy period.

A long wait, then, but worth it. Indeed, thanks to this, the main Design Sprint team consisted of CEO, CIO, Senior Consultant as well as more technical people. These skills mix has been tremendously effective. The discussions were rich and the decisions made quickly.

On a more personal level, we felt from the first day that the week would not only be rich in design and innovation, but will also take place in an extraordinary atmosphere. We were not disappointed.

Day 1 - Understand

During the first day of the Sprint, the team worked on defining the project frame. The idea is to define the guidelines, without being too precise to leave the Sprint team the freedom of creation.

Through collective and individual activities, we managed to map the project, establish the desired results and especially share the knowledge of each participant and explore opportunities from all angles. 
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland
The various exercises that make up this day allow, in addition to the aspects mentioned above, to create a group cohesion while allowing everyone to express themselves, verbalize and contribute to the definition of the problem, which has a very positive psychological impact on all participants.

From Monday night, we were convinced that the week was going to be a great success.

Day 2 - Sketch

During the second day, we guided the participants through the creative process. It was to analyze and study existing solutions and possible improvements in order to sketch ideas individually. The goal was to prepare the exhibition of ideas that will be analyzed and challenged during the day 3.

The motivation and the spirit of the present team were such that the ideas flourished in every way. A more than encouraging result for this second day of Sprint.
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland
Part of the group has, among other things, had the task of recruiting test users. This is important because it is these testers who will provide the first feedback during the day 5 tests.

Day 3 - Decide

The morning started smoothly with the visit of the sketches exhibition from the previous day. Through specially designed activities, we were able to criticize and vote on imagined solutions without ever having to debate.

Difficult task, as so many great ideas were created. Thanks to Jérôme's expertise as a facilitator, the participants were able to make the right choices allowing the Sprint to maintain the desired direction decided on the first day.

This selection allowed the team to create the Storyboard of the imagined tool in a harmonious way by gathering the ideas of all (or at least voted by all). The Storyboard will serve as a base for the next day.
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland
It was a decisive day and very appreciated one. It was at this point that the team realized the value of the work they were doing.

Day 4 - Prototype

The 4th day is dedicated to the creation of the prototype of the tool imagined during the previous 3 days. A prototype consists of producing a product model that is relatively close to a finished product. Digital mockups can be easily made using software like Keynote, PowerPoint, Google Slides, InVision, Adobe XD or others.

The group divided the tasks according to their abilities and preferences. Some have formalized the script in writing, others have created the prototype guided by Chloé Chassany, our UI/UX expert (who exceptionally participated in day 4 of the Sprint), or have created some content to make the prototype as realistic as possible.

Christophe Barman, CEO of Loyco, has been appointed as user testing manager. His task was to understand the validation method, write the interview and train himself by doing a first test of the prototype. Indeed, it will be him who will pass all user tests during the 5th and final day of the Sprint.
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland

Day 5 - Test

The 5th and final day of this Sprint is dedicated to user testing. The use of the prototype created during day 4 makes it possible to directly test the new digital product with future users without the need to wait for the development of the MVP. This step is essential because it ensures the alignment between the expectations of the users and the tool imagined.

In the case where the user feedbacks are negative (which was not the case for the Moser school), the team can simply modify the prototype instead of the application itself. Therefore, the financial risks associated with poor design are considerably reduced.

Christophe went to Loyco premises' to welcome the testers in a calm environment, away from the Sprint team. The test sessions were followed remotely via a webcam by the rest of the team that had stayed in our premises.
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland
These tests allowed the team to analyze the results in real time and thus have the necessary information to define the next steps.

The main advantage (except for the prototype and the test results) of day 4 and 5 is that the team has all the necessary knowledge to repeat the days 4 and 5 in a loop until the imagined product fully meets the expectations of their users.

Round-table talk

Finally, all the participants of the Design Sprint gathered for a round table to conclude this week of co-creation.

From our point of view, it was a remarkable week of Design Sprint. The team of Loyco and Piguet Galland came with the perfect mindset for this kind of exercise. It goes without saying that their business, technical and entrepreneurial knowledge also greatly contributed to the final result.

We sincerely thank Loyco and Piguet Galland for their trust.

Below are some of the feedback we received on social networks:
"Design Sprint sur une semaine. Résultat brillant. Equipe top, impliquée et inspirée. Attention, nous pouvons revenir à tout moment!"
-  Laurent Charbonnier  -  CIO Loyco  -
"Superbe expérience que le Design Sprint avec l'équipe de MobileThinking SARL. L'exercice consiste à prototyper une idée en moins d'une semaine. Je ne peux que le recommander, un gain de temps sur votre investissement."
-  Vincent Arnal - Senior Wealth Planner Piguet Galland & Cie SA  -
"Super moment d'inspiration passé avec l'équipe à l'occasion d'un design sprint de 5 jours. Pro, sympa et efficace.. Mobile Thinking a été déterminant pour le lancement de notre projet !"
-  Christophe Barman - CEO Loyco  -

Your project under the microscope

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