Day 3 Decide - Design Sprint - A proven use case
On the first two days of Sprint the team spends a lot of time understanding and creating! It is now time to make decisions, because it is impossible to create and test all the ideas. Fortunately, we have a series of exercises that will allow you to select the most compelling ideas with constructive criticism and democratic votes. We dedicate the morning to the exploration and criticism of all solutions created on Tuesday. Then, the team will elect those that offer the best chance of achieving the "long-term goal" and thus, meet the basic hypothesis for a given actor.
In the afternoon, the team designs a Storyboard that will serve as a detailed plan for the creation of the prototype scheduled for Thursday.
Here is the list of the objectives of Wednesday:
In the afternoon, the team designs a Storyboard that will serve as a detailed plan for the creation of the prototype scheduled for Thursday.
Here is the list of the objectives of Wednesday:
- explore the exhibition of sketches
- criticize imagined solutions of the previous day
- vote on the solutions
- create the Storyboard
Results of Wednesday for the AVENUE project
In the coming articles, we will expose some elements of our Sprint AVENUE. Indeed, the amount of information created is such that to describe everything here could drown the message. So we decided to describe only a small part of the results obtained.
Exploring the exhibition
We have explored and discussed the different sketches made during the previous day. Then we all voted for the best ideas and wrote down a set of questions that went through our heads, including the notion of technical feasibility.
Critique the solutions
In this phase we discussed the most important ideas of each sketch as well as the biggest objections raised. In the example above, the most important ideas were the “time-to-pickup” information display as well as the “single-button” booking.
This work is collective and must remain constructive! It allows everyone to defend his sketches. This was crucial for the voting phase that followed.
This work is collective and must remain constructive! It allows everyone to defend his sketches. This was crucial for the voting phase that followed.
Not much to add on that side. We are in Switzerland and voting is a well known step here. :)
Nevertheless, we voted to retain only one set of ideas to be added in the Storyboard.
Nevertheless, we voted to retain only one set of ideas to be added in the Storyboard.
Creating the Storyboard
The creation of the Storyboard is a unique moment. This stage allowed us to bring together the various imagined solutions and to assemble them like a Puzzle. All together, creating a common and complete solution!
End of day
This day allowed the team to make decisions and create a first "version" of the future product based on the ideas created individually during the previous day. From these decisions came the Storyboard, which then served as a basis for the Prototype the day after.
Stay informed
In a few days, we will publish the next article in this series which will talk about the "Day 4 - Prototype" of the Design Sprint, so if you want to know more about this day and the AVENUE project, follow us on LinkedIn.