Archives of Jérôme Marchanoff

Atelier d'idéation - FBI Prod et MobileThinking

Ideation workshop with FBI Prod

We had the pleasure, through Jérôme, to animate a new ideation workshop for the association FBI Prod ( in the form of 2 half-days of 3 hours each. The objective was to design a mobile third party for their intervention device: The Seismograph

MOUNTAINCRAFT – A design sprint in the mountains and in slippers !

In partnership with Nicolas Croquet from La Courroie de Transmission, , we were commissioned by Marie-Elodie Perga, professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment at the University of Lausanne, to support a group of researchers from different backgrounds in the ideation and design of a video game prototype.
Design Sprint - Loyco & Piguet Galland

Design Sprint – Loyco & Piguet Galland

In January 2019, we were contacted by Loyco to help them design one of their future products. This request was perfectly in line with the Design Sprint. Therefore, in partnership with the bank Piguet Galland, Loyco decided to try the Design Sprint experience with us. In this article, for obvious confidentiality reasons, we will not […]

joHdi’s portrait

Regularly, we will introduce you to a startup/enterprise that we are proud to work with. If you are interested in the world of growing companies, keep a close eye on our social networks, because their activity and career could inspire you. This week,  joHdi company is in the spotlight. We had the opportunity to speak with […]

Meeting the experts in autonomous vehicles

This Wednesday, July 4, 2018, three members of our team, Jérôme, Kevin and Carlos went to Lyon, more precisely in the Confluence district to meet the experts of autonomous vehicles, NAVYA.   First of all, who is NAVYA in a few words? NAVYA is a French company specialising in developing innovative, smart and sustainable mobility […]

Creative Fridays – WarranT

As part of our Creative Fridays, we imagined an app to give you peace of mind! In three little steps, it allows you to store your warranties and get notified a bit before they expire. 1. Take a picture of your warranty 2. Define the expiration date 3. Forget about it! Easy.

Jérôme @ SITG days 2016

Jérôme did a presentation about our app Uncrowd TPG and discussed with other key actors about open data and smart cities in Geneva. This event was very successfully organised by SITG.