All posts of Kevin


Design Sprint at École Moser

Following a first collaboration, we were commissioned by École Moser to assist them in the design of a new digital tool. It is obviously not possible for us to communicate on the purpose of the tool, however we wish here to present the course of the Design Sprint week that we shared.
MobileThinking Frontend developpement

What’s a front-end developer at MobileThinking

Today there are hundreds of ways to develop a web application with hundreds of different technologies and their numbers keep climbing! At Mobilethinking, we use the most robust technologies and the most adapted to the needs of our customers thanks to a constant technology watch. Our developers remain up-to-date by reading the latest technical news. […]
Atelier de conception Genève Design thinking

First conception workshop of the year

As we mentioned in our previous news, we have now our new office and are ready to host in-house conception workshops. 2019 started fast with our first workshop the second week of the year.
MobileThinking office

What a year!!!

2018 was rich in emotions. Many exciting new projects, but also the continuation of projects started in 2017. Increasingly closer relationships with our partners and customers, as well as promising new encounters. Here is a brief summary of our year.
Why your application idea won't be as successful as expected

Why your application idea won’t be as successful as expected

You have an application idea and your objective is to get it up and running as quickly as possible and to make it a great success. So, you go head first, thinking that you will create an “innovative” product, without considering the needs of your future users. But shortly after, you start to ask yourself […]
Autonomous car

In a single line

The automotive market is constantly evolving from a technological point of view. Not a week goes by without the announcement of new technologies or the development of new autonomous vehicles. Is this a long-lasting fashionable phenomenon or is it simply a turmoil in the world of mobility and transport? Fascinated by this new technology and […]

2nd H2020 AVENUE Plenary Meeting at Keolis Lyon

On November 7 and 8, Carlos and Kevin attended the second Plenary meeting of the H2020 Avenue project. It has been held in Lyon by the Keolis Group. It was a great mix of social event and very intense working sessions. The primary goal of the meeting for us was to kickstart WorkPackage 4 “Development, Adaptation […]

SWAPIN’s portrait

For the third time, we present you a startup in full expansion whose activity and career could inspire you. This week, we will introduce you to the SWAPIN startup. We had the opportunity to talk to Loris Di Nardo Di Maio and James McGill, the founders of this young company with strong growth potential, and […]