First conception workshop of the year

As we mentioned in our previous news (What a year), we have now our new office and are ready to host in-house conception workshops.

2019 started fast with our first workshop the second week of the year.

A great project that we twisted in all directions

Atelier de conception Genève Design thinking
Throughout the day, we had several tools ready (and personalized based on the state of our client's project) to help us understand, imagine, decide and prototype the main features of the project/idea.
Atelier de conception Genève Design thinking

Main outputs

The outputs of such workshops are strongly correlated to the maturity of the project. We are very happy of this first batch of output as we managed to pivot the initial idea so it fits reality. Reality in terms of technical feasibility, but also user requirements and potential clients.

Obviously we can't be more specific about the project of our client. But we surely look forward to be able to explain more about it during the year 2019!!!

Your project under the microscope

You think such workshop could boost your project?

You want to know more about these conception day?

Feel free to contact us or fill the following form to request a meeting.