How to build the right team for a
successful digital transformation?

In recent years, many digital transformation projects have flourished. Multiple elements contribute to their success. This includes the involvement of decision makers and target users. The perfect understanding of the benefits brought by digital tools and technologies is also a determining factor. But among these elements, building the right team is an essential phase to ensure the success of a digital transformation. Here are some explanations.

Building the best team depends on the digital transformation project

Case of a development project of a brand new application

The design of a new application must involve a maximum number of company components. This is the case of business experts as well as employees with technological skills, from the architect to the developer and the UX designer. Of course, the digital marketing manager and the product owner in charge of launching and marketing the application are also essential.

Case of an internal project to improve the efficiency of employees

Representatives of the staff concerned by this digital evolution must naturally be involved in a project of this type. They are the key to identifying all the issues as well as the relay of the benefits of the digital transformation (notably time savings and reduction of errors).

Case of an improvement of the visibility of its business

The audit of the digital presence is essential here. The e-reputation monitor is able to make a realistic and synthetic inventory of the situation. This analysis of the situation is the basis for the work of the technical and marketing experts who will then take the necessary actions.

Find expertise in the following areas

As a process of change, the implementation of digital transformation can rely on the internal resources of your company. However, if the resources are lacking, call upon an external service provider or consultant.
Series Growth Hacker? Marketing your app is not an extra task 6/6 - Conclusion

Market analysis

Your digital transformation team should include people with the skills to analyze target user needs. From their identification to their prioritization, through reformulation and analysis, this work allows you to precisely identify expectations and usage contexts. An intelligence officer is therefore a skill to integrate into the team for an efficient competitive benchmark. Your company is not alone in its competition. You need to "spy" on your competitors in order to be inspired... and do much better!

Prototype and design

The designer is a resource whose expertise allows to save a lot of time. He knows how to simply draw the interfaces via wireframes presenting the main visual information. These sketches give the whole team the opportunity to project themselves concretely into the application/site. Defining its structure and the hierarchy of elements then allows to prototype the user interface or the technical architecture of the Proof Of Concept. Thanks to the UX/UI designers, the application's behavior according to the interactions with the users can then be simulated. To know the different steps of prototyping, we recommend you to read this article on prototypes, wireframes and mockups.


The best digital transformation team relies on competent development resources. It is advisable to integrate not only a tech lead but also one or more developers. It all depends on what you want (mobile application, website, hybrid web and mobile site...) and the skills of your staff of developers. These experts are the ones who will know how to select the right technology (or even the right service providers). They can also be security specialists to implement preventive measures and effective countermeasures (network security, threat analysis, ...).

Marketing and communication

The vision of communication and marketing experts is essential to make your project known! The marketing professionals incorporated in the digital transformation "dream team" integrate the project objective and the impacts of the implemented technologies. They have to think about the best way to promote to seduce customers and make them want to use the product or solution.

Case Study: BenefitMe

BenefitMe is an ecosystem that allows :
  • employees of a company to access in a simple and secure way all their HR, personal and administrative data via a user-friendly dashboard, and to simulate a financial decision (such as a real estate project) and immediately measure its impact.
  • Human resources can consult employee requests from a dashboard and make decisions. 
Mandated to lead the design sprint of this innovative application, MobileThinking carried it out with a team composed of a wealth consultant, HR managers, developers and designers. In addition, the application tests were directly performed by end users.

Discover the details of this case study !


No matter how good the idea is, it is essential to assemble the right team with the right skills to successfully complete the project. To do this, you need to determine the type of project you have, take stock of your skills, and define which skills are most important in your situation.

For more information, you can download our brochure on digital transformation !

Contact us to launch your project, our team will accompany you in the design and development.