Forum économie numérique 2019
Approaches and methods to support business transformation

On Friday 22nd, Kevin went to the Forum économique numérique 2019 organized at La FER, and the State of Geneva.

As always for MobileThinking SARL it is essential to know to what extent our offer (Design Sprint in this case) fits with real needs of the companies of the area.
Among the four workshops on this day, we were particularly interested in the one led by Jean-Henry Morin and Patrick Genoud on the topic "Approaches and methods for business transformation". It is a subject that has been close to our hearts since the beginning of our company, as Design Thinking is a part of our DNA.

We are particularly pleased to see the excitement that this Forum économie numérique has generated. The diversity of participants and their number shows that there is a real need for innovation in this area. We are convinced that this requires methods such as Design Thinking and its approach of co-creation by multidisciplinary teams. 

In the series "From idea to application" we describe the necessary steps to design and develop an application, web or mobile. More specifically, the second step entitled "User journey, Wireframe, Prototype, and Test" which corresponds 100% to the methods and tools that were presented in the workshop of the Forum économie numérique. 
MobileThinking can support you in your digital transition from A to Z. We can help you designing tools for your employees as well as your customers. There is no need to invest CHF 150,000 to know if the tool you have designed meets their expectations. Through ideation, prototyping, and testing workshops, we can design an MVP quickly allowing you to validate your concept before even starting the development.

If you have such a need, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we will find the best approach to meet your challenges.
Forum économie numérique - Design Thinking - MVP
We would like to acknowledge the work of Jean-Henry Morin and Patrick Genoud who have been, for some years now, true ambassadors for these modern, proven and effective methods.