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cryptage mot de passe

Sensitive Data Encryption

Le cryptage des données sensibles permet de protéger les informations personnelles et garantit la tranquillité d'esprit dans un monde numérique souvent imprévisible.
MT - Visuel Le 28

Project Le 28: A New Challenge for MobileThinking

The project "Le 28" aims to highlight jobs in the health and social fields by providing detailed profiles with descriptions, required skills, and testimonials. Users have access to various resources and an interactive onboarding guided by questions to filter jobs that match their profiles.
Fêtes de fin d'année 2023

2023 Review & Christmas Holidays

As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to take a look back on the highlights and significant events that mattered in 2023. Here's a retrospective of all the meaningful events and successes that defined this wonderful year for MobileThinking.
Responsabilité Numérique des Entreprises

Corporate Digital Responsibility

For some time now, the subject of Corporate Digital Responsibility has gained increasing prominence in the entrepreneurial realm, especially within the domain of software development. MobileThinking aims to take a clear stance on this subject and actively works on it daily.