Association Le 28
The Le 28 association, based in Geneva, aims to provide information and guidance on careers in the health and social care sectors. Its project is to create a modern platform offering detailed job descriptions, interactive onboarding and tools designed to attract talent and address the shortage of staff in these fields.
MobileThinking is in charge of designing and developing the platform, transforming an existing art direction into a more youthful and modern interface while ensuring a fluid and engaging user experience. LAPaL - V2
The Medicines Patent Pool's LAPaL project aims to make information on long-acting medical technologies and their applications accessible.
Since 2021, MobileThinking has been enhancing the site with key tools, such as pharmaceutical compound management and interactive features to facilitate access to data.
A number of new features have been added this year, including an interactive comparator for analysing the characteristics of technologies and compounds, advanced visualisations such as graphs for clinical trials and an interactive map for medication registration status, as well as import/export tools for efficiently managing large volumes of data.
Each new feature has been designed to make the user experience even more fluid and intuitive, while meeting the specific needs of this complex and exciting field. École Moser - Digital tracks
A new year and new features for the École Moser extranet, which is now equipped with a mobile tool for Cycle 1 teachers. Using this application, teachers can create digital ‘ tracks’ (in the form of text, audio, video or photos) relating to pupils and school outings organised by the school. These tracks can then be exported as PDF files and shared with parents.