Archives of #Mobile app

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Mobile Apps – more than 86 billion dollars generated

Mobile applications as we know them is the future or the past? Views differ on the subject. The only thing we are 100% sure is that smartphones and other IT devices are there to stay. Regardless of format, as statistics show, there will always be room for innovation.
dea_revolution numérique

Free or guided tour?

This morning, Mrs and Mr Smith decided to visit the Saint-François church in Lausanne. When they enter in the cultural space, they are notified of the existence of the dea* application. So, they decide to download it. Once installed on their smartphone, they notice the different indications mentioning the most important artworks and points of […]

Creative Fridays – WarranT

As part of our Creative Fridays, we imagined an app to give you peace of mind! In three little steps, it allows you to store your warranties and get notified a bit before they expire. 1. Take a picture of your warranty 2. Define the expiration date 3. Forget about it! Easy.
POPit v2 iOS mobile application Geneva

POPit v2 is out!

What’s new in POPit? New design; Add newspaper to your sources; Receive most poped articles notification for newspapers; Tag your friends to notify them

Proov… the app all the students need!

We are super happy to announce our latest partnership project Proov.. Proov is an app all the students need during their university years. It’s a tutoring app that allows each student to find or be a tutor in a very simple way. Three easy steps to find the perfect tutor: Search for tutors Target your difficult […] – Looking for a job?

JoHdi is the platform for Swiss Talents, it allows companies to highlight their “employer brand” and the candidates to create a profile in order to find their ideal job. The platform offers job offers, tips and tutorials written by experts as well as many other features, all tailor-made.

Une app pour visiter l’église Saint-François

Une app Android et iOS pour visiter l’église Saint-François Nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter notre dernier développement basé sur le projet dea* Une application dédiée à la visite de l’église Saint-François de Lausanne.

Welcome to the team Hassan!

Following our evolution and our academic links, we decided to welcome Hassan among us for his Master thesis internship from the University of Lausanne. We are very happy to guide him towards the end of his master degree. The theme of his work will be “Elaboration d’un outil d’éditorialisation autour des sources de données hétérogènes […]