On Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16, Kevin and Dejan attended the ninth two-day plenary meeting of the H2020 AVENUE project. We met in Geneva in person after two years of video conferences. All 16 partners were present and we were a group of about 30 people in person and 10 at a distance. All with the same objective "To give autonomous vehicles the means to evolve towards a new urban experience".
Neuvième Ninth plenary meeting of the AVENUE H2020 project
Two days of meetings were needed to go through the 10 AVENUE working groups. Each group leader presented their progress since the beginning of the year and the developments planned for the coming months.
In broad terms, we mainly demonstrated the services that have been achieved so far. But a video is worth more than 2000 words.
In broad terms, we mainly demonstrated the services that have been achieved so far. But a video is worth more than 2000 words.
We also took the opportunity to present the progress on our Passenger Security Dashboard. This dashboard allows PTOs (Public Transport Officers) to analyse in details what is happening inside the vehicle. It is based on our partners (CERTH) artificial intelligence algorithm.
It allows us to monitor events such as automatic passenger counting, safety distance between passengers (for the Covid for example), bag theft, falls, vandalism, abandoned luggage, background noise, shouting, smoke, air quality index, temperature, humidity, CO2 level, etc.
It allows us to monitor events such as automatic passenger counting, safety distance between passengers (for the Covid for example), bag theft, falls, vandalism, abandoned luggage, background noise, shouting, smoke, air quality index, temperature, humidity, CO2 level, etc.
The two-day meeting went extremely well. The demonstration of the Belle-Idee site was by far the key moment of this working session. We have been preparing for the final stretch of this project, which already ends on 31 November 2022.
But the game continues. MobileThinking is part of a consortium of 22 European partners who will collaborate for another 4 years in the project called ULTIMO. We will tell you more soon.
But the game continues. MobileThinking is part of a consortium of 22 European partners who will collaborate for another 4 years in the project called ULTIMO. We will tell you more soon.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769033