"Yes, even developers have interactions! They work as a team and have a special relationship with the business unit, which is generally the bridge between developers and customers.
Understanding this context and the interactions that take place in it is essential to be able to deliver high-performance software. This module therefore addresses non-technical skills such as communication and organization through a dedicated framework based on good practices in the development cycle (soliciting needs, estimating tasks, testing, etc.).
With experience, I have learned how difficult it is to understand the needs of future software users. However, this understanding is central to the development of an application. Being a developer also means being able to communicate user needs throughout the development chain. Indeed, software construction does not only involve developers, but also the business unit, designers, marketing team, etc. And for that to happen, we need better developers. Being a better developer means knowing how to integrate into a heterogeneous world and how to communicate with the diversity of stakeholders. Excellent coding is one thing. But being a better developer also means excelling in communication, taking responsibility within your organization, and understanding that other people will use the applications developed. Today, after completing my doctorate in Human-Machine Interaction at the University of Geneva, I am co-founder of MobileThinking SARL.
I find psychology to be one of the most fascinating side effects of my profession. As a creator, developer and manager, psychology is present when you talk to end users (for example, to understand their needs), when you talk to customers (for example, to help them understand how to bring their application/service to market), when you interact with your team or partners (for example, external designers, marketers) and when you need to take charge of developing everyone's collaboration. All this motivates me to share my experience and knowledge. »