Archives of Vincent Peillex


Vincent, 12 months internship = 1 permanent contract

12 months ago, Vincent started his alternate internship for the M2 Master in Computer Science and Cooperative Systems. Today, his internship arrives to an end and he is presenting his report to his school professors. We have of course shared with him our remarks and, especially, the great satisfaction that has been working with together. […]
MobileThinking office

What a year!!!

2018 was rich in emotions. Many exciting new projects, but also the continuation of projects started in 2017. Increasingly closer relationships with our partners and customers, as well as promising new encounters. Here is a brief summary of our year.
vincent peillex

MobileThinking’s family is getting bigger

We are super excited to welcome Vincent within the team. He will be doing a 3 month internship during his master thesis. We hope he will enjoy these months and continue with us afterwards.

Creative Fridays – WarranT

As part of our Creative Fridays, we imagined an app to give you peace of mind! In three little steps, it allows you to store your warranties and get notified a bit before they expire. 1. Take a picture of your warranty 2. Define the expiration date 3. Forget about it! Easy.