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Day 4 Prototype - Design Sprint - A proven use case

Day 4 Prototype – Design Sprint – A proven use case

Thanks to the Storyboard we created on Wednesday, it is now possible to design the prototype of the service we design in the first 3 Sprint days. It is important to adopt the “Fake it” philosophy to turn your idea into a testable prototype. No need to think about the data structure at this point. […]
Day 3 Decide - Design Sprint - A proven use case

Day 3 Decide – Design Sprint – A proven use case

On the first two days of Sprint the team spends a lot of time understanding and creating! It is now time to make decisions, because it is impossible to create and test all the ideas. Fortunately, we have a series of exercises that will allow you to select the most compelling ideas with constructive criticism […]
Day 2 Sketch - Design Sprint - A proven use case

Day 2 Sketch – Design Sprint – A proven use case

Tuesday is dedicated to creation. Each participant must do a market study in order to collect as much information as possible and then let their imagination go wild. Create, sketch, draw multiple solutions, choose the best and then start again. You will see, it’s very fun.
Day 1 Understand - Design Sprint - A proven use case

Day 1 Understand – Design Sprint – A proven use case

During the first day of Sprint, the team will create a common knowledge base among all participants. Through various activities enabled by the facilitator, participants take ownership of Sprint’s long-term goal and reformulate it into hypotheses, obstacles and questions in order to map the project. In a few words, here is the list of Monday’s […]
1/7 - Introduction - Design Sprint - Un cas d'utilisation qui a fait ses preuves

Introduction – Design Sprint – A proven use case

The Design Sprint terminology is spreading rapidly over the past few months. Some use it as a marketing Buzzword, others as a business philosophy. MobileThinking is clearly positioned in the second option. For two years now, we have been pushing our customers as much as possible to move towards Design Sprints, or at least Design […]
De l'idée à l'application - Conclusion

Series: From idea to app – Conclusions

In conclusion, the method to create an application is not necessarily written in stone. As for the construction of a house we can take certain liberties, however if we want our house to stand, electricity to work, water to flow, and more, we have to follow a series of fix steps. In the case of […]
Maintain and Evolve

Series: From idea to app – Maintain and Evolve 6/6

Once your app is in production (a technical term to say that the app is being used by real users in the real world) you can rarely let it be forever. It is like your future house, you can just build it, live in it, and forget about it.. With time things will get old […]
Series: From idea to app - Deploy and Promote 5/7

Series: From idea to app – Deploy and Promote 5/6

The day has finally come! You now have your first app version and you are ready to share it with the world. Depending on the technologies involved in your system, you will need to do several administrative duties to distribute your product to the public. If your app is an iOS app or an Android […]