Archives of #MobileThinking

Mattia Gustarini’s portrait

Mattia graduated from the University of Lugano with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science and started his professional career as an assistant on European projects at the University of Geneva. This led him to complete a thesis with the aim of obtaining a doctorate in Business & Management with a specialization in Information […]

Proud to be part of this innovative project!

D-Day has finally arrived! Today, Monday July 2, 2018, the first autonomous minibus, with passengers on board, is being tested on the tpg network! But what is it really about? It’s about autonomous vehicles, without drivers, which will circulate from suburban areas currently not or little served by public transport. Vehicles of different sizes, offering […]

Le portrait de Kevin Salvi

Chaque semaine, nous vous présenterons un membre de MobileThinking. Afin de ne passer à côté de personne, gardez un oeil attentif sur nos réseaux sociaux. Cette semaine, c’est Kevin Salvi qui est sous les feux des projecteurs.
vincent peillex

MobileThinking’s family is getting bigger

We are super excited to welcome Vincent within the team. He will be doing a 3 month internship during his master thesis. We hope he will enjoy these months and continue with us afterwards.

Creative Fridays – WarranT

As part of our Creative Fridays, we imagined an app to give you peace of mind! In three little steps, it allows you to store your warranties and get notified a bit before they expire. 1. Take a picture of your warranty 2. Define the expiration date 3. Forget about it! Easy.