10 Years of MobileThinking


We are celebrating our 10th anniversary ! 🎉 : the next chapter

Welcome back and thank you for your loyalty!

This month, come aboard as we relive the year 2020. It's been a turbulent time, but it's also been a time of creativity and adaptation, where every obstacle has strengthened the team's determination.

Find out how MobileThinking has adjusted its approach to get through this exceptional year.

Happy reading! 

One of the crew sets sail for new adventures !

This year marks a major turning point for MobileThinking, as the person leaving the ship is none other than Carlos, one of the founders.

Fortunately for the team, this transition is taking place smoothly and in accordance with everyone's wishes and needs. Even though Carlos is taking a new path, he is still meeting up with the team, and there are regular get-togethers, such as apéros, which strengthen the bonds of friendship forged since university days.

There is another notable absence, as Carlos used to come to work accompanied by his little dog Bianca. Today, at MobileThinking, only plants remain as companions. 🪴 

On deck during the storm 🌊

In fact, the entire world population was caught up in this storm. It was the year that our daily lives were swept away by this famous pandemic whose name must not be uttered (partly because, to this day, nobody really agrees on the right name to assign to it).

So naturally, the company has adopted remote working and introduced major health measures. It's vital to look after everyone's health. After all, what would happen to a ship with a sick crew?

Fortunately, MobileThinking's activities mean that the adaptation to working remotely is a smooth one. So it didn't take too long for everyone to find their own rhythm and continue to develop innovative solutions and tools for our customers.

Despite the stormy weather, the crew managed to come away with enough projects for everyone to get on with their work. Thank you to our customers and main partners for making this possible! 

Online recruitment

In this era of teleworking, the golden age of the Google Meet, is there a better way to recruit a new employee than by videoconference? Possibly, but that's the gamble MobileThinking has taken by holding a remote recruitment session.

That's how Edouard joined the team in 2020. He became the very first member of the crew to have been hired without a face-to-face meeting. Welcome to the adventure, Edouard! 

Ideation workshop

Jérôme gave the team the chance to run an ideation workshop for FBI Prod. The two half-day sessions, each lasting three hours, were devoted to designing a mobile café for their project : The Sismograph.

The projects and events that marked 2020

École Moser - Intranet

In early 2020, MobileThinking undertook the overhaul of École Moser. This support for their digital transformation has developed over the years and will continue in 2021.

Medicines Patent Pool - Interactive Map

Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), supported by the UN, is committed to improving access to medicines in low- and middle-income countries. As part of its digital transformation, MPP called on MobileThinking to design an interactive map enabling it to track information on the availability of medicines, licence management and developments by region or country. The project, including design and data management, stands out for its ease of use.


One of this year's main projects is the creation of an HR tool for managing company benefits and simulating professional and personal changes for the company's employees, while enabling the impacts to be visualised (increase/decrease in working hours, salary, change in AVS plans, tax management, etc.).

This project is being carried out in partnership with Piguet Galland Bank and Loyco, and was conceived during a Design Sprint in summer 2019. But we'll be coming back to this very soon.

Solution BenefitMe 


The project carried out for the Fluxum foundation put IT at the service of art. The aim is to enhance the value of the foundation's archives and make them accessible to as many people as possible. The application is nearing completion and will go online in early 2021.

Avenue H2020

This project, which began in 2018, continues with the creation of an iOS and Android application for users of the autonomous vehicles. The major advance in 2020 concerns the Belle-Idée site in Geneva, where tests are being carried out on the first autonomous, on-demand, door-to-door public transport system.

Avenue H2020 Project

Avenue H2020

Speaking of the AVENUE H2020 project, here are a few highlights from 2020 :

Midterm review

January 2020, off to Brussels for the project's mid-term review, to present the results of the first 18 months!


In May, Kevin and Mattia attended the fifth plenary meeting of the project by videoconference, as they were unable to travel to Copenhagen due to sanitary restrictions. The partners discussed progress and future developments to improve autonomous vehicles. Although real tests have been suspended because of the COVID-19, the project is making progress thanks to new functionalities and the use of simulators.


On 3 June 2020, the project reached a major milestone with the TPG's authorisation to launch autonomous vehicles at the Belle-Idée hospital in Geneva, enabling an initial test of the on-demand service via the application developed as part of the project.

First tests in Geneva

The TPG is deploying three autonomous vehicles on the Belle-Idée site, reaching 50% of the initial plan, with full coverage scheduled for the end of 2020. Congratulations to the TPG for their efforts despite the pandemic, enabling shuttle bookings via the mobile application to be tested throughout the site.

MobileThinking commits to training tomorrow's developers

MobileThinking arrives at CREA !
Kevin is now co-directing the Bachelor's degree in Web and Applications Development. He runs workshops and ensures that the programme is up to date and constantly updated, to guarantee that students receive training that is in line with the reality of a development company.

Mattia, on the other hand, is in charge of the mobile application development module, sharing his expertise to prepare students for modern technologies.

The team, with Hassan's support, helps to provide practica and tailored training for CREA students. 

Gradual withdrawal from quarantine

At the end of the year, the crew can emerge from their caves and go to the office as required. The office provides an opportunity to respect sanitary distances and regain a certain level of social interaction.

This deconfinement also offers the opportunity to finally meet Edouard! A new member of our team who, it should be remembered, has been taking part in the adventure from a distance all this time. 
MobileThinking équipe en semi-confinement

To be continued in the next episode ✨

Digital transformation has never been so important since the adoption of new working habits. There's no end in sight to the development of digital solutions!

Stay with us to follow the MobileThinking adventure, which still has plenty of surprises in store for you!

We look forward to seeing you next month to find out what happens next on this fabulous journey!