Clic'Logo - CLIGe

Initial request

The Centre des Logopédistes Indépendants de Genève (Independent Speech Therapists Center of Geneva : CLIGe) aimed to create a platform allowing patients to request consultations by filling out a comprehensive form, notably detailing all known symptoms.  These requests were intended to be handled, monitored, and managed by a speech therapist registered on the platform (a member of the association).

How MobileThinking filled this request

In order to meet this need, we first guided the client on the essential features for their application, to define with them what the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) will contain. Following that, we developed a platform that meets the previously defined needs, using all the best practices and current technologies to ensure a fast, simple, and secure experience for end users.

Patient's interface

Patient's Homepage
Consultation request form

Speech Therapist's interface

Pending registration
Details of a consultation request

From a design perspective

With CLIGe clearly expressing their needs, our role in the design phase primarily involved defining essential functionalities to propose a functional product that meets their requirements, avoiding non-essential features to stick to the established budget. We also developed graphical mockups to illustrate and further shape the final product. Through these mockups, we were able to speak the same 'language' as the CLIGe members and ensure that the discussed features aligned perfectly with their expectations.

From a technical point of view

For development, we used Inertia.js, enabling us to adopt a monolithic architecture that offers time-saving benefits (and cost-effectiveness), yet without page reloading, providing users with the same speed experience as a single-page application. The technologies we chose include PHP 8 - Laravel 9 for the back-end, and Vue.js 3 in Composition API - Tailwind for the front-end.

What now ?

One year after its launch, Clic’Logo is meeting with great success, having received over a thousand consultation requests. New features are gradually being added to facilitate the management of requests for speech therapists.



In production


Design & Development


PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, Vue.js, TailwindCSS




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