Geneva Knee Center - Hôpital La Tour- Database tool

The Geneva Knee Center commissioned us via La Tour Hospital to create a solution that allows for the evaluation of patients using a questionnaire in the pre- and post-operative period. The questionnaire is created by experts in the field and provides a "score" for the patient who has just completed it. This score is generated using complex calculations based on the information provided by the patient.

In addition, this tool provides the center with a medical database with a dual purpose:
1. To improve the care of its patients to increase their well-being
2. Collect qualitative data to support the center's medical research

Our contribution

The solution

The doctor who logs on to the platform can see the list of his or her patients as well as the personal and medical information and ailments related to each one.
These registrations can be done by the secretariat or directly by the patient himself, in which case the secretariat can lock the application to limit the navigation only to the information form.

When registering, the patient fills in his personal information, but also has to answer a question about his sport practice. The answer to this question will establish a "score" for the patient called Tegner's score, which allows the medical profession to provide better care to its patients.  
Questionnaire Centre Genou Geneve
The process of creating a new case for a patient starts with a series of specific questions developed by experts in the field. This information will allow for more effective management and will already help in the development of a possible treatment.
Questionnaire centre genou geneve
In the case details page, the medical staff can enter their diagnosis and propose a new treatment from the list of available treatments.
Centre genou geneve fichier patient
Then come the pre- and post-operative questionnaires, which will make it possible to establish an effective long-term accompaniment of the patient, thanks in particular to medical scales and calculations of very specific scores.
All of these data are of invaluable scientific value to research and will support studies conducted within the hospital.

From a design point of view

We have adapted the views of the solution for a tablet use. Indeed, the secretariat of the center will lend its tablets to its patients so that they can fill in the information related to their visit. This format is therefore the one that suits them best.

From a technical point of view

This project is developed with the Laravel and VueJs stack. This stack is the one we use the most in our web projects because it greatly facilitates the management of routes and communication with the database.


hlt logo


In production


Design and development of the input tool for the database


Laravel - VueJs




Taking collaboration a step further

After developing this solution for the Geneva Knee Center, MobileThinking also designed their website. The site aims to reflect the excellence of the Geneva Knee Center and facilitate access to its services, with a clear user interface and features that simplify navigation and appointment booking.

You can visit their website by clicking here.
Centre du Genou - Accueil
Centre du Genou - Accueil_2
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