Visit to Belle-idée, Geneva, where
the first On-demand tests of our
autonomous vehicles are
currently taking place.

The following video was recorded by Mattia and Kevin on 13/07/2020 during a very first On-demand, door-to-door test scenario of autonomous vehicles for the AVENUE H2020 project. All this, orchestrated by our partner TPG in Belle-idée, Geneva.

TPG are deploying three vehicles to the site. They have currently covered 50% of the initial plan and this will be increased to 100% in the course of 2020. We are very pleased with this result.
We would particularly like to congratulate the TPG for their efforts in deploying the AVENUE autonomous vehicles in this complicated time of Covid-19.

During the summer, we will start testing our mobile application on the Belle-idée site. Soon it will be possible to book an autonomous vehicle via our application over the entire Belle-idée domain. 
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769033